Biblioteca on-line: Person splits in the case systems of Geg Albanian (Shkodër) and Arbëresh (Greci)
Titolo:      Person splits in the case systems of Geg Albanian (Shkodër) and Arbëresh (Greci)
Categorie:      Libri dell'Associazione in lingua Arbëreshe
LibroID:      AR85
Autori:      Maria Rita Manzini - Leonardo M. Savoia
ISBN-10(13):      AR85
Numero Pagine:      27
Lingua:      Inglese
Valutazione:      0 
Immagine:      cover
Formato ebook:      Scaricare ebook


The recent theoretical debate on the notions of Faculty of Language (FL) and Universal Grammar (UG) (Hauser, Chomsky and Fitch 2002) raises questions relevant for the status of the grammatical categories normally assumed in linguistic analysis. If we admit that the linguistic capability of humans has a genetic basis, FL, it remains to be seen what the notion of UG refers to. The content of UG and the adequacy of traditional categorial distinctions represent two sides of the same coin, that we can
think of in terms of an ‘orthodox generative synthesis’.

Libro Inserito da:      Dan
